
NEW! 60mm Dedicated Carbon Fiber Hydrogen Alpha Telescope
Choose Prominence or Chromosphere model: $1,595.00
Application of Quark-T adapter allows users to mount directly and robustly to Nikon or Canon Cameras, with familiar camera style focus.
- Quality Achromat Doublet 60mm refractor
- Carbon Fiber Solar Telescope
- Helical Front-end Focus with fine precision
- Choose Prom or Chrom model at no extra cost
- Environmental Hard Case
- Interchangeable Daystar Quark*
- 'Solar Bullet' finder
- Vixen /Photo style mounting foot
- 930mm Effective Focal Length
- Best Price for 60mm Dedicated Solar Telescope
- Prominence or Chromosphere model no extra cost
- Carbon Fiber Optical Tube
- Robust and precision accuracy: Helical Front-Focus can't slip and does not turn the eyepiece.
- Solar Bullet finder projects safely onto white screen.
- 16mm eyepiece aperture.
- Interchangable Quark can be moved to other instruments for different magnifications*
- Swap filter(s) for different bandpass views
- Adaptable for 2" or Camera mount / views
- Always on-band with USB power, 5v 1.5amp
110-240VAC wall adapter (Optional 24mAh battery available)
- Tuning knob allows wing shifting +/- 0.5Å
- LED indicator for power, warming, ready, fault
- 5 year warranty
* Application of 2" eyepieces or components, and Camera T-adapters require additional, optional accessories. Diagonal shown in photo is optional.
* HALF-BANDWIDTH: The term half-bandwidth refers to an optics industry standard of measure. On a chart depicting the peak where light is transmitted, that peak's width is measured at the point 50% between zero and full transmission. This term is called half-bandwidth.